
25/08/2024 - update & plans for the website

feeling: refreshed

yahoo!! it's been a while since i have written anything, mostly due to no ideas. today i had a dream that my mom bought me one of those modern flip phones with buttons. i spent the whole dream just having fun with it, taking pictures, learning to type, etc... and then i got kidnapped by some evil lady and had to fight to save the world. wild stuff!
anyways, i have been doing well, my psychiatrist changed my medicine dose, and i think i have finally found an artstyle i am comfortable with drawing with. it is awesome!! i am very happy about it.
i also plan on adding a characters page to the website! i really want to share my ocs with the world.

p.s.: i have started playing higurashi! it has been good so far ˋ( ° ▽、° )